IDEM Construction and Land Disturbance General Permitting (formerly Rule 5)
Soil & Water Conservation District Roles in the Construction Stormwater General Permit (CSGP) Process
Any “project site owner” engaged in construction-related activities (meaning any manmade change of the land surface, including removing vegetative cover that exposes the underlying soil, excavating, filling, transporting, and grading) that disturb one (1) or more acres of land may be required to obtain permit coverage under the CSGP from the Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM) Office of Water Quality.
IDEM administers the construction stormwater program through the CSGP. Implementation of the program is a cooperative effort with local SWCDs. The CCSWCD is the local reviewing authority for projects requiring CSGP permits outside of the MS4 City of Frankfort. Please submit proposed construction plans to the CCSWCD via email at clinton-swcd@iaswcd.org
Prior to December 18, 2021, the CSGP program was known as the Rule 5 program under Indiana Administrative Code (327 IAC 15-5).
Please review IDEM's website for information on developing construction plans and a step-by-step guide for CSGP compliance.