History & Overview

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The purpose of a Soil and Water Conservation District is to:

  • Provide information about soil, water and related natural resource conservation

  • Identify and prioritize local soil and water resource concerns

  • Connect landusers to educational, technical and financial assistance from local organizations and state and federal agencies

  • Implement conservation practices and technologies


Mission Statement

The Clinton County Soil and Water Conservation District is committed to creating an environment through leadership, cooperation, and education, in which citizens wisely use and enhance natural resources.


Citizen Involvement

The official governing body of Conservation District consists of five supervisors, each a resident of the county.  Three are elected at the local Annual Meeting of land occupiers and two are appointed by the State Soil Conservation Board based upon recommendations of the leadership in the District.  Supervisors serve as public officials responsible to the CCSWCD and to the State and are required to subscribe to a standard public oath of office.

Local leadership allows each District to develop and implement its own programs and initiatives and channel resources from all levels of government to meet the needs of the people of its county.   Each District serves as a means for all interested people in the county to become involved and collaborate for natural resource conservation and development for the betterment of their community.
